Saturday 4/19, 3PM-5PM - REGISTER HERE
Join Matt for his Ribs Mechanics and Respiratory Diaphragm Workshop. Optimal movement mechanics rely on a stable core. Core stability has less to do with strong abs and a "6-pack", and much more to do with breathing, and something called Intra Abdominal Pressure (IAP). This workshop highlights proper breath and rib mechanics, and emphasizes the way breathing informs the way we move our body, and our nervous system. It will break down complex concepts and make them easily digestible and accessible. All levels welcome.
Sunday 4/20, 2PM-4PM - REGISTER HERE
Join Matt for his Core Mechanics and the Pelvic Diaphragm Workshop. The stability of your pelvis is contingent on the quality of your breath. And the quality of your breath depends on the stability of your core. This workshop highlights proper breath mechanics and pelvic floor mechanics, and emphasizes the way breathing (core) informs the way we move our body. It will deliver complex concepts in a really digestible way. All levels welcome.